i think my tagboard has some problem with it, right?
Anybody encounter problems with it?
I can't seem to post my replies. ):
Sooooo, I'll reply here!
Taniayan: Hey honey, i haven't seen you in weeeeeks. ):
Tuesday uh, i miss you!
Sher: AHHHH, He's like my favourite. :D
Japanese Splitz Japanese Splitz!
Grace: I Did! heh.
Human: Hey huuuuman,
I'll assume that you're really beautiful then.
Period. (:
Sher: Hahaha, your comments arh. LOLS!
Varron: HAHAHAS, I haven't met-up
primary school friends for like
dunno how many years alrdy!
Except for shirley &Yuling. :D
Zhuen: Yeah, i was!
I quit after th 1st year, hahahas.
So you were once my senior. (:
Human: I've seriously've nth t say. (:
Bernie: Argh, How come i can't find you on msn!
I'm coming t ccr tomorroooooow. heh.
Sher: Hahhahas, No comments! :x
Xuan: Hey babe, No problem!
Taniayan: I still can't believe it man, horrid!
Ida: You mean how long i bathe my peanutbutter,
or the duration of every bathtime?
I bathe them every 2-3weeks,
Arnd 10-15mins, not including blow-drying of their fur.
No worries girl, They're like, Poop machines.
It's totally normal.
Elynn: Hey babe,
It's Push it Baby - Pretty Ricky Feat Sean Paul.
Sy: Updating! hahahahas.
Cos you girls're a fun, crazy bunch.
Alright, About this BOOBIES thing,
Which i'm getting pretty sick of
seeing all the comments abt it.
I could tell you straight,
I'm not a very conservative kinda girl.
But th way i dress doesn't bother me,
or determines my character right?
So what's wrong with it?
I mean, My boobs are like.. there right.
You can't exactly expect me to change my style of dressing
just because you don't like to
see my cleavage in my picture right?
Or, or.. ask me to pack my boobs away in a plastic bag
&hid it at home right?
Like, Obviously nooooo,
I won't &I can't do that,
Cos those boobs are real what.
Not like i go and do a boob job right?
So how? I'm not gonna change
for the sake of your precious eyes,
that cannot stand looking at any bit of cleavage.
And Miss human, Beautiful girl you are or whatever. (:
If you're so desperate for my attention so much,
You've caught it. Congratulations,
cos you're finally getting on my nerves,
Cos you keep flooding my tagboard,
&my dear sher&tania had to keep
replying to your precious comments to entertain you.
So now, let ME entertain you, OKAY? (:
" 1st: But She ain't pretty, So yeah.
Got Neh, No face, What for..
2nd: And you like to show off your boobs,
which is such a turn off"
My dear girl,
I never, never never never ever said I was pretty. (:
And, i don't see a problem having big boobs.
Anything wrong?
You mean when you're on the streets,
And you see girls with big boobs &a not-so-pretty face,
You'll walk to their faces &criticise EVERY SINGLE girl?
or do you just don't like girls with big boobs?
I do have some problems when you said,
"I think leon have alrdy bedded you,
cos you look so easy."
PLEASE OKAY, That's disgusting of you to say that.
If you ever dared say that infront of me,
I'd give you a tight slap in the face.
But i know people like you,
will never have the guts to do that.
Because you'll only know how to hide
behind the mask of your little "HUMAN" nickname. (:
You're like some old people can,
Are you really so naive/narrow-minded or what?
You mean every girl who wear low cut
or sth that shows abit of cleavage
= Easy/ Loose/Sleeps around.
I don't need YOUR respect,
Cos i'm sure even if you're damn effing beautiful,
if something like that can come out of your mouth,
Surely your heart is rotten &ugly.
You think that just because i'm blogging
in a public blog & people happen to read it,
You see EVERY blogger is pretty is it?
I don't HAVE to be pretty right?
My boyf think i'm beautiful in his eyes enough alrdy right?
I need to be pretty for you to see is it?
And what's wrong with my make-up?
Whole world only i makeup uh?
I don've a pretty face, my dear girl.
So i make use of makeup t enhance my facial features,
Nothing wrong right?
Not like i go and do plastic surgery right?
Even if i do plastic surgery to make
my not-so-pretty features prettier,
Nothing wrong right?
Seriously, what kinda world are you living in,
Miss pretty human?
Aren't you surrounded with girls
wearing makeup to beautify themselves?
It just makes me laugh when you try harder
&harder to criticise me. Disgusting girl.
Cos that's when i know people like
Sher &Tania REALLY love me as a friend.
And the best part is, You don't even know me. (:
I'm listening to Kenya West - Stronger.
Sooooo, I bought this box of 10 fake eyelashes the other day!
Which is pretty boliao, I kept 3 pairs for myself,
4pairs sold t YQ &Janice.
And i'm selling off the other twoooo pairs cheap.
This is how it looks on me:
Interested, please mail me @fidelis_frenz4life@hotmail.com.
Okay, Let me tell you why i didn't
update for such a loooong time! :D
I fell sick, for almost th entire week.
My nose is like, still dripping now okay.
Took MC for monday &tuesday i was still having fever.
So that stupid woman wanted me t go back t th doctor
and get mc for tuesday as well.
She is seriously so irritating,
people sick still wanna make people crawl
t the 24hr clinic t get mc for another day.
Waste my money only can.
Tania said, "She's thinks so owns a secondary school what!"
So horrible can, last time when i'm in school,
i don't even need to get MC when i'm sick or whatever.
Ask my mum write letter can alrdy loh. Wth.
The other day, YQ dragged me t town
even thou i'm sick anw.
I'm like, exhausting her supply of tissue paper,
&blowing my nose into th tissue paper every few seconds.
Metup shirley for awhile before she go
&meet her korean boy. :D
Pictures Pictures! :D
The other day i went out with Yq, Dan &Zat.
Warning: There's some cleavage shown here,
Because i was in a low-cut halter dress.
So if you've a problem with my dressing,
or looking at my boobs, please just DON'T SEE.
Shopping at Central. Clark Quay.
She's damn sweet okay.
Cos i was sssssick,
&she bought Honey Lemon drink for me. :D
&Honey Lemon! :D
So we had this mini birthday celebration for my boy
at this japanese restaurant today,
Many friends were invited and blah blah.
The pictures are not with me yeeet,
But i'll post it up when i have it! :D
Anw, This coming monday is
Me &My boy's 3rd year anniversary!
three, 3 years okaaaaay.
Time flieeeees. ♥
And my hair is horribly long
& it's so thick that i can't even style it properly noooow. ):
But i'm keeping it for my
hair-do @Zona Felice this wednesday!
It's for a photoshoot for th salon's advertistment!
I'm so nervous &excited! wth.
I'm like damn scared
they'll dye my hair into some xiaolian colour.
I'LL DIE! Wish me luuuuuck. :D
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